hivewing names

Top 100 HiveWing Names with Meanings

Hivewings are the dominant clan among the three tribes of Pantala under the ruling of Queen Wasp. Pantala is a sort of dragonfly. Among all the Pantala, Hivewings are quite charming. They have a combination of red, orange, yellow, and black shade. And some may have dark green shade instead of black. Hivewings possess limited rights, as Queen Wasp runs their mind with mind-controlling poison.

100 Names of HiveWing | Male & Female Included

● Aphid (A plant suckling bug)
● Apidae (Ancestors of social bees)
● Anasa (A genre of bug)
● Abispa (Wasp insect)
● Arcana
● Antilion (Resembles dragonfly)
● Andrena (Strong)
● Boxelder (One kind of bug)
● Buzzard (A Turkey vulture)
● Bombardier
● Bumbie (Adaptability)
● Bumblebee (Hairy bee)
● Bloodworm (Red larva of nonbiting worm)
● Carpenter (Bee species)
● Collarie (Coalmine)
● Cadelle (A little dark insect)
● Colletidae (Bee)
● Caterpillar (The larva of a butterfly)
● Curalluim
● Click
● Caelifera (Orthopteran insects)
● Cicada (Insect with apparent wings)
● Cypress (An evergreen tree)
● Cantharis (A Spanish fly)
● Cockroach
● Crios
● Deborah
● Damselfly
● Darner (Dragonfly species)
● Darkling (Dark characteristic)
● Earwig (A small lengthened insect)
● Eucera (Bee)
● Fairy wasps (Feathery wasps)
● Fire ant (Tropical American ant species)
● Flea (Wingless jumping insect)
● Gnat (Tiny flying insect)
● Gladiator (A fighter used to battle with wild animals)
● Goldenorb
● Grasshopper
● Goliath (A philistine giant)
● Honeybee (Bees that collect nectars)
● Junix
● Lacewing (A slim, fragile insect)
● Lyctus
● Larvae
● Ladybug (A small beetle)
● Leaffoot (Something that has a leaf-like growth)
● Mite (Small arthropod)
● Milkweed (A North American plant)
● Mealworm (The lava of the meal insect)
● Myriapod
● Nectar
● Nurseryweb
● Orthoptera (A cricket species)
● Odonata
● Olios
● orbweb
● Parasite
● Pollen
● Pinacte (Mexican black beetle)
● Polyphemus
● Portia
● Regius
● Rhino
● Roach
● Rootworm
● Rove
● Rabbit ear beetle
● Silverfish
● Stinkbug (Bug species)
● Smite (A massive stoke)
● Spider
● Sugarant (Ants addicted to sweet foods)
● Stonefly (A slim insect)
● Sandly
● Scarab (A giant dung beetle)
● Shieldback
● Silverleaf
● Treehopper
● Termite (A den insect)
● Thrip (Minute slender insect)
● Tripula
● Timema
● Tremex
● Trilobita
● Varroa (A micro-bee)
● Venusta
● Vespa
● Velvet
● Vespid
● Vinegaroon (Whip scorpion)
● Weevil (Beetle with a long proboscis)
● Wireworm (Wormlike larva)
● Whitefly (A minute winged bug)
● Warble (Insect)
● Warrior (A courageous soldier)
● Weta (A brown wingless bug)
● Widow
● Yellowjacket (A wasp)
● Zoraptera (Wingless insect)