Wood Elf is a universal term to denote elf species that live in wooded regions like forests. As a race, Wood-elves became more familiar with the popularity of several video games, especially The Elder Scroll series and in the Warhammer universe.
Wood elves are a unique tribe who believe in simplicity and maintain cordial relationships with both the land and wild animals. They are professional in light armor, archery, and alchemy. Resistant to any disease and poison is the most significant advantage wood elves have. They also have the power to command animals. These individualities made them the best choice for scout, assassin, and treasure hunt.
This whole article is for those players who need a thorough introduction of wood elves. Here, we will provide male and female wood elves names, their surnames, and every possible detail you should know while playing.
Structure and Characteristics
In a line, Wood elves are a coppery skinned creature with green, brown, or hazel eyes. The color of their hair is usually black or brown, sometimes blond or copper-red. Wood elves wear simple clothes and always cover themselves with leather armor even when they are not under any threat. Wood elves and other elves are indistinguishable in height and body structure, especially the males.
Wood elves are more potent than other elves but are habitually less intellectual than the moon and sun elves who are more educated than other elf species.
Wood elves are calm and level-headed, often hide their emotion from others. After the fall of Earlann, many wood elves hated the idea of urbanization. Many developed an intense hatred for urban areas. Relationship patterns of Wood-elves are polyamorous, the race members freely engage or cease relations with new partners.
Wood Male Elf Names
1. Aalulu
2. Abadda
3. Acos
4. Aesar
5. Alaa
6. Aquilan
7. Arcilta
8. Athtar
9. Aumanas
10. Avourel
11. Belanor
12. Bellas
13. Bemadan
14. Bemarli
15. Bera
16. Bhyrindaar
17. Cacaccu
18. Ciadrosran
19. Ciarodro
20. Cikaac
21. Cluym
22. Cucuzcan
23. Cymbiir
24. Dadi
25. Dalyor
26. Darfin
27. Dalkilas
28. Delsaran
29. Dhiortiat
30. Dodrac
31. Drannor
32. Duzkoth
33. Erilarin
34. Eroan
35. Estelar
36. Euchoe
37. Eyrynnhv
38. Falan
39. Felenus
40. Felerad
41. Fflar
42. Filarion
43. Gantar
44. Galaka
45. Galcallan
46. Giullio
47. Goronyyv
48. Gudroth
49. Haemir
50. Halamar
51. Halnian
52. Halpaeril
53. Haryk
54. Ialcoth
55. Ilcan
56. Iodizca
57. Iolas
58. Izla
59. Jandar
60. Jaonos
61. Jharak
62. Jonas
63. Kaecaath
64. Khathos
65. Kolvar
66. Kustit
67. Kyrtaar
68. Lathai
69. Laosx
70. Lariarea
71. Leojym
72. Lhoris
73. Loralania
74. Manis
75. Melidor
76. Morgan
77. Mourn
78. Mythanthar
79. Narbeth
80. Narnel
81. Nevarth
82. Nodris
83. Norous
84. Oka
85. Orgiorut
86. Orulgo
87. Orym
88. Oslin
89. Othorion
90. Ozloc
91. Paeris
92. Pandor
93. Pleufan
94. Pyrravym
95. Pyxaanthai
96. Quallastor
97. Quynn
98. Ralthos
99. Reluvethel
100. Sciccon
101. Scilcadat
102. Scorga
103. Stralto
104. Symkalr
105. Taargo
106. Tilvos
107. Thukoth
108. Ucacus
109. Udras
110. Uku
111. Urgin
112. Utrion
113. Vidalo
114. Voka
115. Voltalvas
116. Vororgac
117. Voslut
118. Vuttot
119. Waernas
120. Wyn
121. Wyrran
122. Xanotter
123. Yarodan
124. Ylyndar
125. Zacukiot
126. Zarnan
127. Ziornat
128. Zolvolko
129. Zoro
130. Zulae
Wood Female Elf Names
1. Adrilvin
2. Aedaddes
3. Aethin
4. Ary
5. Aurae
6. Axilya
7. Azariah
8. Bema
9. Bemalis
10. Bhuraelea
11. Blythswana
12. Braerindra
13. Cauladra
14. Celvia
15. Cerina
16. Chomylla
17. Claire
18. Daenalaia
19. Dasyra
20. Dhystrene
21. Draltestie
22. Drelie
23. Duilya
24. Ecaeris
25. Ecca
26. Ehhatrah
27. Elcevel
28. Enith
29. Faccy
30. Fally
31. Felaesval
32. Francessca
33. Fytys
34. Gaelira
35. Gamine
36. Gaylia
37. Glonei
38. Gylledha
39. Hace
40. Haalija
41. Harves
42. Hhora
43. Hyre
44. Ice
45. Idetraf
46. Ikeshia
47. Indetyl
48. Iny
49. Jastra
50. Jhalass
51. Jhanandra
52. Jhiilsraa
53. Kalivia
54. Kanaria
55. Kelsia
56. Khiipaera
57. Kythaela
58. Laamtora
59. Ladrah
60. Lyhaethae
61. Lynra
62. Lyraesel
63. Maith
64. Matil
65. Menda
66. Mirlerre
67. Mieltave
68. Nanthee
69. Nastra
70. Necah
71. Nelseh
72. Nycetral
73. Ochyllyss
74. Olinara
75. Oluvaera
76. Phaeri
77. Phalcin
78. Phepa
79. Phinden
80. Puoriaas
81. Qady
82. Qadrehaf
83. Qalleh
84. Qate
85. Qemba
86. Raejiisa
87. Raesa
88. Ruavia
89. Ryllae
90. Sakaala
91. Seirye
92. Setryn
93. Sivi
94. Sienryh
95. Takari
96. Talindra
97. Thasene
98. Thava
99. Thessestrih
100. Ulelesse
101. Uschymna
102. Vachicca
103. Velatha
104. Verref
105. Vesse
106. Vynde
107. Winterflower
108. Xiiltharra
109. Yara
110. Yassila
111. Yelsydre
112. Yeshelne
113. Ythen
114. Zannore
115. Zaralis
116. Zoastria
117. Zyalene
Wood Elf Surnames
1. Acornvale
2. Acornrock
3. Ancientshine
4. Applethorn
5. Balflake
6. Barkblossom
7. Bearrush
8. Birdsong
9. Blackhope
10. Bluebranch
11. Bluepond
12. Bluevale
13. Boldfroge
14. Bronzefall
15. Camomire
16. Dawmourn
17. Deeplake
18. Dornlake
19. Dualvein
20. Duskpool
21. Elmbranch
22. Elmpool
23. Elmstone
24. Everkind
25. Fernpool
26. Forestrock
27. Foxtail
28. Freeflame
29. Glowrest
30. Heartsong
31. Ivyshade
32. Lichenwind
33. Longarm
34. Longwood
35. Mirthmind
36. Moonshine
37. Nightbranch
38. Nimblefeet
39. Oakenlock
40. Oakwood
41. Pineblossom
42. Pinegrove
43. Pinesky
44. Phoenixgleam
45. Rabbitear
46. Roserun
47. Rivergrass
48. Rivershade
49. Riverwing
50. Roseshade
51. Sagewing
52. Shadowfoot
53. Sharpkind
54. Silentleaf
55. Stalkwolf
56. Solarbirth
57. Springmire
58. Sungazer
59. Tinderburst
60. Trueshot
61. Twinbrook
62. Velvetray
63. Whitesprinter
64. Willowlock
65. Willowrun
Wood-elves consider themselves the successors of the ancient elven domains formed before the Crown Wars. They believe in displaying compassion than showing strength. Thus instead of fighting with the neighbors and snatching their lands, they were always friendly towards them. Wood elves are not too fond of travelling, have little involvement in politics, and share almost no interest in arcane arts.
While playing as a Wood elf, searching for wood elves names is common among players. But it’s always essential to know their characteristics, history, culture, and pros and cons before starting a character play game. Without understanding their traits, just picking the right name won’t help you to play better.